Friday, January 13, 2012

I have a blog.

I do not enjoy reading blogs. At all. My friend Rachel loves them, so sometimes I read them with her when we’re done with our work. I find that I’m not interested in the least in what someone made for dinner last night, or that “super cute and hilarious” thing that someone’s 4 year old said or did. (Maybe you had to be there?) All of that to say, I am once again eating my words and am starting a blog of my own. Since I’m moving to Honduras this year, I want to be able to keep everyone updated on what God is doing there. I will do my best not to ramble… No promises though. 
Slowly but surely, details are coming together. I’m going to visit from January 31-March, then language school from March-May, then going back to Santa Rosa, Honduras in May to stay. There is a medical brigade coming down in February that I will help with, and I look forward to figuring out what my role will be as a part of the Mission UpReach team. I am incredibly excited, and feel so very blessed to have this opportunity. (Enter “this girl is crazy” look that I usually get at this point in the conversation.) It’s true though!

Here are a couple of things I’ve learned already:
1. I am surprisingly incapable of being productive and making plans. Seriously. God must really love me to come through in all of the ways that He already has. I like to think that means He has some awesome stuff in store.
2. I am sad to leave my job at the hospital. Somewhat unexpected. Not entirely though, because I sure do love those crazy co-workers.. Plus the cardiac thing is a pretty sweet deal.
3. I’m learning how to be patient. The phrase “we’ll figure it out” has become a frequent in conversations.

I can't wait to get there, and I hope that this blog provides a good way for people to keep up with what is happening! (Or at least gives Rachel a good 3 minutes of entertainment from time to time while trying to stay awake:)