Thursday, October 23, 2014

Yeny's Wedding

If you're bothering to look at this, you probably already know that I'm the supervisor of our safe house, Dulce Refugio (along with Yulema). Over two years ago I got to Honduras to visit, and the gringos asked me what I thought about living at this house. Yeny was the first "resident" of the house that I met, and while being loud and extremely stubborn, she was also immediately easy to love. 

Yeny has taught me a lot about life over the last few years. I was frustrated when she woke me up at 5:00 a.m. to make fruit cocktail (which I did not do), and when she woke me up because she'd missed her bus to Guatemala and wanted me to chase it down in my car (which was successful), but somehow even when I'm tired and frustrated she can always make me smile.  On top of that, God has used her to show me what kind of growth He can bring about in a person's life. She is an incredibly hard worker, loves fiercely, and has become (and is becoming) a true woman of God. 

That got sappy, but the bottom line is that I'm proud of her and thankful to be her friend. Her wedding was lovely and we had a blast being a part of it. Also, the cake was delicious so that always helps. 

I'm realizing I never said anything about her husband Jose Luis, whom I also love and am SO thankful that he is the man that Yeny married. He is patient and kind and loves the Lord, which is exactly what I want for all of our girls. 

Getting ready for the wedding:
Laura will kill me for this one:
Yeny looked beautiful!

There were better pictures on cameras, but of course that would require so much more work...


Last week VCOM was back, and we did almost all of the same normal VCOM things. Went to 3 villages during the week, and on Thursday we saw the kids from one of the schools that DESEO goes to every week. 

The group itself was awesome, which I know I sort of always say, but this group was a special kind of awesome. Laura, Caleb, Rex, Candy, translators and I all really enjoyed working with them. It was also my last medical group, but let's not talk about that. 

Here are just a few pictures.  Clearly I didn't take many!