Saturday, June 16, 2012

Ojos de Agua

Today the group from CO/TX is leaving, and I am reminded of how blessed I am to get to stay here! It’s been a great week. Eight of them did a VBS, and the rest of them did a 4-day medical brigade in a village called Ojos de Agua. We saw just under 1000 patients in those four days! Needless to say, it was busy (bless the doctor’s heart!) but it went really well. I’m so glad that my first brigade as the full time medical team member went well.. There was only one time that I said the words “Do not tell Donna about this until it is resolved,” but all is well that ends well, and everyone got their parasite medication regardless.. :)

Short-term mission trips are great. They’re a blast, you experience a different environment and culture, you get to know a group of people that you may not have known as well before, and you get to see more of the way that God works in the process. Now that I’m here long-term, I have really enjoyed seeing missions from the other side. I love dealing with preparations in between groups, getting to know the groups and watch as they experience another culture (sometimes for the first time), and I especially love that I am forming real, lasting relationships with the people here. It’s really interesting to be part of the medical brigades from the perspective of the long-term member. I walked around and made sure everyone had what they needed, and filled in when we got backed up. I got to know a large part of the group pretty well, and did a pretty good mixture of tasks while filling in. I also do a lot of the extra stuff, like breathing treatments, etc. I can’t say enough times how blessed I feel to be here. God is doing so much here, and I am thankful to be allowed to be part of it. 

Angel and Amber using the flippers in the Eyeglasses department.

Jason from CO taking vital signs.

Waiting to be seen by a nurse.

I went to this little girl's house to follow up. She had an abscess drained, so I cleaned it, changed  the dressing, and made sure the family had the items they need and know how to take care of it.


  1. I love your updates - even though phrases like "abscess drained" make my stomach turn a wee-bit. :) I'm so impressed with how the Lord is working through your ministry. God is good!
    You're in our continuous prayers.

    because of Him,

  2. I love your blog Ashley! Especially since I am hearing very little news from Ben :-). I have been stalking it for quite a while but just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading about how God is using you in such powerful ways in Honduras. Godspeed and War Eagle! ~Mary B.

    1. I'm glad you are enjoying it, and I am more than happy to update you on the news that Ben isn't supplying! He's doing great and working hard of course. It's so good to have him here! Thanks for the encouraging words! War Eagle:)

  3. Um, you need to ask my permission to use my photo. It's in my contract...


    1. I found a loophole.. I basically own everything that you own now.:)
