Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Belize day!

To wrap up the busy summer of brigades, the original gringos along with the AIMers and the interns took a day trip to Belize. It was a great chance to relax, to bond after not seeing as much of each other while we were all busy with our specific jobs with groups, and to send off the interns. 

We stayed in San Pedro Sula for the weekend and took a boat out to an island for the day on Sunday. It was beautiful, and because it's basically some random family's island, there are no tourists (other than us). 

We swam, we snorkeled, we played cards, we fellowshipped, we had a blast, we went to the hotel and slept in air conditioned rooms. What more could we ask for?

Now we're back in Santa Rosa and it's back to normal life! Most important things on the agenda: exercise after months of hotel food, and to clean out the disaster that is my office. 

Stacy, the interns, and Jordan on our way out to the island

We're on a boat. Tobin liked it for.. a little while.
Is it sad that I'm not going to continue fighting with this to make it centered like everything else? Sorry to all of you who are OCD. It wasn't meant to happen.

This is the island.

Island chickens. Central American beaches are still Central American:)

Grumpy Tobs.

Hammock time.

Cute hammock bonding with Tobs and Aimer Caleb

The interns and AIMers say goodbye.

I sure will miss these interns!
Although not because of how frequently they sat on me.

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