Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Birthday Week

This has been a great week with work and new gringos, and it has also been birthday week! Laura turned 17, Tobin turned 3, and I turned 26 (yikes). We had some celebrations and a lot of fun. Also, gringo food, which might be the highlight birthdays these days.

I miss being with my family, of course, but I am reminded (often, but especially occasions such as these) that I must be THE luckiest human to have such an incredibly amazing family at home AND to have formed such a loving, fun, and real family here in another country. 

God has been good to me. That is an understatement.


  1. So glad you had a wonderful birthday! :) And I love the rainbow horse cake, but I'm curious - what did yours look like?

    1. We had great fun picking out her cake, but that was mostly because none of us had time to make one. They made me a strawberry cake! So it looked like a normal strawberry cake:)
